Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sniffles, Scarves, Dogs, & Food....Too Much To Do.....

Been feeling a little under the weather here lately….been battling the “crud”….which is what we call a combination of a sinus infection and a cold….but I think mine is mostly a sinus infection. Well I finished the little girls scarf. This is what it looks like. I think it is pretty cute.

I started another one for myself. It’s a creamy color and it is some more of the eco-friendly yarn which is so soft. On the cover of the yarn it says that a scarf keeps 1 plastic bottle out of a landfill, a sweater keeps 4 bottles out of a landfill, and an afghan keeps 10 bottles out of a landfill. Kind of makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that LOL.

Oh, and this is a picture of our third dog, the newest edition, Kanga. She is a mess and it took all I could do to get her to be still where I could take her picture. Of course you will have to excuse that these pictures are kind of blurry because I took them with my phone.

I cooked this past weekend. Saturday I browned some hamburger meat and then cut up some organic potatoes and I had some organic baby carrots and I put all of that and a can of diced tomatoes and some water in the crock-pot and I let it cook all day Saturday and we had it for supper that night. It would have been better had I put an onion or at least some onion powder in it but I didn’t think about that till after the fact LOL. I also made some homemade beef stroganoff which was really good too. That is normally better served the day after it is cooked so I fixed it Saturday night so we could have it for lunch Sunday after we got home from church. Well can’t think of much more to say. Will try to get pictures of the chickens on here sometime soon.

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