Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sniffles, Scarves, Dogs, & Food....Too Much To Do.....

Been feeling a little under the weather here lately….been battling the “crud”….which is what we call a combination of a sinus infection and a cold….but I think mine is mostly a sinus infection. Well I finished the little girls scarf. This is what it looks like. I think it is pretty cute.

I started another one for myself. It’s a creamy color and it is some more of the eco-friendly yarn which is so soft. On the cover of the yarn it says that a scarf keeps 1 plastic bottle out of a landfill, a sweater keeps 4 bottles out of a landfill, and an afghan keeps 10 bottles out of a landfill. Kind of makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that LOL.

Oh, and this is a picture of our third dog, the newest edition, Kanga. She is a mess and it took all I could do to get her to be still where I could take her picture. Of course you will have to excuse that these pictures are kind of blurry because I took them with my phone.

I cooked this past weekend. Saturday I browned some hamburger meat and then cut up some organic potatoes and I had some organic baby carrots and I put all of that and a can of diced tomatoes and some water in the crock-pot and I let it cook all day Saturday and we had it for supper that night. It would have been better had I put an onion or at least some onion powder in it but I didn’t think about that till after the fact LOL. I also made some homemade beef stroganoff which was really good too. That is normally better served the day after it is cooked so I fixed it Saturday night so we could have it for lunch Sunday after we got home from church. Well can’t think of much more to say. Will try to get pictures of the chickens on here sometime soon.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Scarves...and cold winds....

Well I finished my scarf today. However this picture was taken right before I finished and I know it is folded up but it is sixty inches long and I couldn’t fit that in the picture really well. I am going to start on a new one but it will be for a little girl so it will be about half the size of this one. The picture of the colorful pink and purple ball is the yarn I am using for the scarf. I am really excited about this. I already have another lady that wants me to make her one.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Rainy Mondays...

Well today I started back to school for the fall semester. I had one class today which wasn’t too bad. I had a pretty good weekend…nothing too eventful. I have realized I have an issue when it comes to the weekend and my eating habits. I have recently gained some weight that I am now trying to lose where my clothes will fit comfortably again and I have been trying to eat healthier or at least eat in smaller proportions and I do pretty good during the week but on the weekends I seem to pig out which makes my efforts during the week pointless. This is something I am really going to have to work at.

I meant to take some pictures of our third dog as well as my chickens this weekend but I didn’t get around to it. I have seven chickens, one rooster and six hens. The rooster is an Americana chicken. I have one full blooded Astralorp hen. Then I have two Bovans Nera hens and three Isa Brown hens. The Bovans Nera and Isa Brown hens are Rhode Island Red hybrids. My husband unexpectedly brought those five home one day and it was a definite surprise. But they are sweet hens and all of them but two are laying eggs. The rooster on the other hand is aggressive and thinks he is the king of the place. He has spurred my husband several times and has tried to jump on me twice. The first time I had to hit him or pop him with a board three times before he would leave me alone (no I do not abuse my rooster…I just try to fend him off so he want spur me). The second time he actually chased me but I got out of the pin before he got to me. My husband thinks I should stand up to the rooster and show him who is boss but I do not want to run the risk of getting spurred like my husband. I am trying to figure out a way I can separate him…like pin him in the corner of their pin when I go in to get the eggs and then release him when I get out. My husband thinks I am crazy and that it can’t be done but I think it would extinguish a lot of trouble.

I also meant to take some pictures of a project I am working on. I am crocheting a scarf! My mom taught me to crochet when I was little and I haven’t done it in years but since scarves seem to be pretty popular right now I have decided to crochet one. Perhaps I will get around to taking some pictures in the next day or so. It just so happens that the yarn I am using is eco-friendly. I also bought me a notebook this weekend for school and I noticed after I picked it up that it is recycled paper. I seem to be doing pretty good at this ‘going green’ stuff LOL. I have started recycling, bought eco yarn (and the other day I bought and eco friendly shirt) and I bought a recycled notebook…well the paper in it is recycled. It makes me feel pretty good to know that I have put some kind of effort into helping take better care of earth although I am definitely not a hard core eco-friendly, recycling kind of person. I just happened to do this stuff LOL.

I tried something new for lunch yesterday. Well, it is sort of new. I cooked some egg noodles and drained them and then put them back in the pot and then added a can of (un-drained) diced tomatoes and a can of (drained) black olives and a little water (I just poured some water in the tomato can like I was going to rinse it out and then poured it in the pot). I let it cook for a few minutes more and then I stirred in some shredded cheese…it was an Italian blend so it had parmesan and mozzarella and I don’t remember what else. It turned out pretty good…but I love to eat noodles.

Last night my husband and I went to my parent’s church to here a blue grass group sing. I love gospel blue grass if it is sung and played well. I am kind of picky when it comes to that. But anyway, this particular group we went to hear is one of my favorites and boy can they sing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Also, they had refreshments afterwards but that necessarily wasn’t a good thing because I ended up eating way too much…*sigh* I really need to work on that. Well maybe next time I will have pictures to put on my next post. Till then, God Bless.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Some of my youngins' LOL

These are two of mine and my husband’s dogs. We have three but I don’t have a picture of the new one on my computer yet. Anyway, the one on the left is Boomerang. He is a full blooded Blue Healer. He is around 14 years old. We don’t know exactly and he may be older than that but we do know he is at least 14 in human years. :) A guy that my husband knows had him and he was already grown and the guy had little girls and he didn’t want Boomerang (the man called him something different but I forgot what it was) jumping up on his little girls and knocking them down. Boomerang loves to show affection but he doesn’t realize that he can harm little kids by knocking them down….but he isn’t as ruff when it comes to jumping up on people as the dog on the right is. Anyway, the man was going to just shoot the dog because he didn’t want him anymore. Well my husband found out about it and he asked for the dog to keep the guy from killing him. Just for the record my husband grew up on somewhat of a farm I guess you could say and he has always loved and adored animals and he really has a way with them…animals just seem to instantly love my husband. But back to Boomer, so my husband got the dog and since he is a type of Australian herding dog my husband wanted to give him an Australian name so he named the dog Boomerang and we call him Boomer or Boo Rang for short. Boomer has never really been trained or worked with but he acts like he has. He is such a smart dog and he is so loyal to my husband. They have a really special relationship and my husband loves him. Boomer is also a very sweet natured dog that can be sensitive sometimes but he is also very protective. He is just a great dog.
Well now the dog on the right….his name is Odie. Not quite a month before me and my husband got married I got Odie. He was just a small puppy when I got him and he was solid blue and he had blue eyes. Well as he got older his eyes changed but he still has a bluish coat. It is more of a blue gray color now but it is still not a traditional coloring on a lab. The reason for his coloring is because Odie is a cross between a blue healer (like the one on the left, Boomerang) and a lab. Although my husband is the one that named him Odie is definitely a ‘momma’s boy’ and my sweetheart. The name actually fits him. Just like the dog off of the comic/cartoon “Garfield and Friends.” That dog was named Odie and my dog has the personality of the Odie on Garfield. He is such a goof ball and he acts crazy and silly but he is smarter than he puts on. He is just a funny dog but he is also a sweet natured dog. He is very big and he has actually gotten bigger since this picture was taken. He is about a year old now. Really he is just a big baby. :) Also, Odie doesn’t meet a stranger be it human or animal…they are all his friends.

Now the third dog that isn’t pictured is a female full blooded blue healer and her name is Kanga. She got the name from the momma kangaroo on Winnie the Pooh. The little kangaroo that hangs with Winnie the Pooh and Tiger is named Roo and his momma is Kanga. So a friend of ours came up with the idea of naming our dog Kanga (since we are still trying to keep the Australian theme LOL). I think this name really fits her because she is a sweet natured dog that is just precious. She is a lot smaller than Boomer and is just adorable. She turned a year old back in March. A friend gave us to her and she has been kept in a pin all her life and has never been shown much attention so she is skittish and not very easy to handle right now. But the reason we got her is so we can breed her and Boomer. Since my husband is so attached to Boomer and Boomer is getting up in age my husband wanted to get a puppy off of him so he could still have a part of Boomer when he finally passes away which hopefully will be in many many years to come. Well, I will try to get a picture of Kanga on here later. :) But I think this is enough writing for now.

It's Friday. My funny. And recipies.

Today…..is…..FRIDAY!!!! This makes me very happy. :) I like Fridays because I am off on the weekends. However, this morning was a little frustrating. I live about thirty minutes from my job and from the college I go to. Well I got to town thirty minutes early today so I could go by the college and pay my tuition and get my books. And I had planned to do this all before I had to go to work this morning. Well….I did not have any trouble taking care of the tuition but when I got to the book store nearly the whole baseball team was in there trying to buy their books! That was really frustrating….plus the women that work in there were so frustrated trying to take care of the baseball players that they were not really friendly nor willing to really help me. My problem is that a friend gave me some of her books to use but they were an older edition than the ones in the book store. Well I didn’t really want to buy the books since they are so expensive until I knew if I could use my friends. Needless to say the women in the book store were not interested in helping me find out if my friend’s books would work or not. So I got the rest o f my books and I guess I will have to wait on the other books till I find out if the ones I have will work. I hope and pray my friend’s books are not too old to use.

Anyhow, here is a funny for the day. This really happened to me yesterday but I didn’t have time to write it on my blog.

I had wanted to recycle my water bottles because I can go through one or two a day. Well they recycle here in town where I work but they don’t in the town where I actually live. Well I had noticed that they have these blue plastic recycling bags that people put stuff in and then they sit it out by the road next to their garbage cans. Well I asked the guy here where I work did we have any of those bags and I told him what I wanted to do. He said we didn’t have any here but if I got some he would make a place for me to put them. Well I asked a lady where do I get them and she told me to try the Library here in town. So I went to the Library and asked and they told me they quit doing that five or six years ago. Well I remembered in the past I had seen the guys in a truck that come by and pick them up about the same time I do the bank run for the company that I work for in the mornings. Well yesterday I went on the bank run in a company car and I saw the guy! Well I pull up behind his truck and I get out and I was going to run up on the side walk and I was in high heels and the straps won’t stay on my heels so I have a hard time walking in them anyway….but anyhow, I was going to run up on the side walk and I ended up tripping! I didn’t fall but I was all over the place LOL. Well sure enough the guy just stood there and laughed at me….which I laughed too. Well I pulled myself together and then I said, “Excuse me, I am from the such and such company and we need some of them blue bags right there and can you please give me some because I don’t know where to go get any.” Well when he quit laughing he told me sure and he gave me a sheet of paper with the information of what to put in the bags and the number to call and let them know I want to start recycling etc….well he started to walk around the truck to get me some bags and I started to walk around the truck too and he turned around and said, “Oh you can just stay right there, I will bring them to you so you don’t have to walk over here.” *sigh* I don’t normally have blonde moments but I had one then. But hey I think I left a lasting impression of the company I work for on this guy and I am pretty sure I brightened his day. Plus it gives everybody a chance to laugh when I tell them about. J And then when I got to the bank I ran over the curb….cause I am good like that LOL. :)

You know I don't really know about this blogging stuff. I am not sure if I am supposed to write a lot at one time, or just a little each time, or if it really even matters. Anyway, my aunt sent me some recipes this morning....well she emailed them to me. But I really like this one. I don't know when I will try it but I would like to make this one. :)

*Chicken Kabobs
1 lb. chicken breasts2 cups pineapple chunks1 green pepper1 red pepper1/2 cup barbecue sauce3 Tbsp. orange juice concentrate8 wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes (Wrap ends with foil before grilling to prevent burning).
(You can substitute different veggies in place of the peppers. Try things like zucchini, cherry tomatoes or yellow squash.)
Cut everything into equal sized pieces, about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in size. Use 2 skewers for each kabob to make them more stable. Thread on chicken alternating with pineapple and peppers. Mix barbecue sauce and orange juice; brush on kabobs. Brush occasionally with sauce while cooking. Grill on medium high heat for 8-10 minutes, until chicken is cooked.

I even like this one too:

Slow Cooker Cream Corn
2 (16 oz.) packages frozen corn (you can use fresh or canned)1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese1/2 cup butter1/2 cup milk1 Tbsp. sugarSalt and pepper to taste
Place all ingredients in your slow cooker and cook on high 2-4 hours or low 4-6 hours.
You might want to melt and mix the cream cheese and butter together before you place it in the slow cooker, but you don't have to.

You know what, I will just put the other one on here too LOL.

*Frozen Peanut Butter Dessert
1/2 cup flour1/3 cup quick cook oats1/4 cup sugar1/4 cup margarine, softened1/4 tsp. baking soda
Mix well. Press into a greased 9 inch pan. Bake at 350° for 15-17 minutes until lightly brown.
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter1/3 cup light corn syrup2 Tbsp. honey1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream, softened3/4 cup salted peanuts, chopped
Combine peanut butter, syrup and honey. Carefully spread half over the crust. Top with half of the ice cream. Drop remaining peanut butter mix over ice cream. Sprinkle with half of the nuts. Top with the rest of the ice cream and then the nuts. Freeze 3-4 hours. You may want to let it stand 5-10 minutes before serving to make it easier to cut.

I love to cook. I don’t always have time for it but I do love to cook. I like to cook for other people. I like to see that satisfied look on their face when they eat something they like or that tastes really good, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside LOL. I think is enough writing for now. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Beginning....

Well I have decided to start a blog....not that I already don't have enough time to do everything but let's just add one more thing to the plate. :) I don't know if I will be good at this or not but I will try. I am 20 years old. I am in college. I am working a part time job. I am a christian. Also, I am married to a man who is my best friend and the love of my life and I KNOW that it is God's will for us to be husband and wife. Well there was my shot at telling a little bit about myself. Oh, and I live in the deep south. :) I will try and think of stuff to write later....