Friday, July 2, 2010

A Thoughtful Gift….

So I have this friend that I love so very much. She is awesome to be around and I believe if we were given the chance we would probably get into a lot of trouble together….well come to think of it she would probably be the one to get in trouble and I would be the one trying to bail her out Ha Ha! Anyway, so my birthday was two months ago and for my birthday present she got me a blue berry bush! I was so excited about it. I have already planted it next to one I got from my grandmother. This is a picture of the blueberry bush.

Peas, Peas, and more Peas….

Well I haven’t posted anything in a long time. But here recently I have been busy taking care of two gardens. My husband built me an 8x8 raised garden in our back yard and then we planted a big garden in our pasture. The big garden was 200 ft long (maybe a little longer) and I have no idea how wide. We planted 3 rows of purple hull peas, 3 rows of sadandy peas, 2 ½ rows of field corn, and a ½ of a row of watermelons. The corn didn’t do good because we had a severe lack of rain. The peas did pretty good considering the lack of rain. My watermelons are still growing and the last time I counted I had 18. Yay! Hopefully they will continue to produce and I can’t wait till they get big enough to eat. I hope they turn out to be really sweet. I found this recipe for a melon salad that I really want to try. I will have to post the recipe later.

In the raised garden I planted squash, zucchini, okra, tomatoes, egg plants, sweet & hot banana peppers, bell peppers, and jalapeƱo peppers. The only thing that didn’t really produce well was my bell peppers and I am not sure why. Right as they all started producing we had a bad storm to come through and it hailed for two solid minutes (the size of golf balls) and the wind was really bad. The storm almost destroyed my zucchini plants and it knocked over almost all of my pepper plants. I went out and tried to stand them back up and I am wondering if that storm is the reason my bell pepper plants didn’t produce….who knows.

Here are some pictures of my gardens:

This was the raised garden not long after I planted it.

This was part of the big garden.

This is some of the sadandy peas.

A yellow watermelon.

A red watermelon.

I will try and get more recent pictures loaded.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Idea+Item=Wish List

Well I have decided that I want a desk. It is very hard for me to try and do work while sitting on the couch in the living room because my husband distracts me with the TV LOL...and if I sit on our bed in the bedroom I will go to sleep and if I sit at the kitchen table I will probably get hungry and get something to eat. So I have decided I want a desk....this is the idea. The item? Well a desk of course! Anyway, since my husband is a fabulous carpenter and since the desk will have to be an odd size to fit in the room I want it to it would be best if he built it for me. And then comes the wish list...which is the list of things I want my husband to build for me LOL. Here are two pictures of desks that I kind of like. Perhaps sometime before I am dead he will make it for me LOL....but we will have to see.